Jio Freed

Jio Freed character according wikipedia
The only memories Jio is shown to have about his childhood are when he used to be bullied by other kids because of the bad luck happening to those who were near him. During one of these episodes it is shown that for a short period of time he had a friend named Jin who protected him from the bullies. Later on he remembers how even that friend turned on him because of a belief that Jio killed Jin's parents. That triggered in Jio the desire to have no friends and, after hearing some guys talking that if they achieved world domination by acquiring an O-Part nobody would make fun of them, it also triggered his dream: to rule the world.
Later on in the story, his origins are discovered: he was a program named "Freedom" created by the two scientists of Eden, Adam and Eve, to stop the power hungry scientist Lucifer and the Kabbalah machine Shin.

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Jio Freed front

Jio Freed side shoot

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