Naruto Uzumaki shippuden cosplay costume

Naruto uzumaki shippuden cosplay costume inspired by the popular anime series called naruto shippuden.

Naruto shippuden is the sequel to the original anime series naruto. On the original naruto series, the main hero named naruto is only on his early teens but in naruto shippuden he is now a young adult that is more mature and has come back to konoha their village after years of hard training with his master and seeing his friend also matured and most have gone to be a more successful advanced ninjas.

This naruto shippuden cosplay costume is totally different than the original naruto series costume. In this naruto cosplay costume, Their is a more prominent color which is black than orange which is the most prominent color in the original naruto costume. This naruto costume outfit also looks more mature than the original one which is fitting the older and more mature naruto in the naruto shippuden series.

Here is a picture of naruto in the naruto shippuden series wearing the naruto cosplay costume and an anime naruto costume that you can buy online in amazon. Where buy costumes is better.

This naruto halloween costume is great for trick or treating because it is comfortable to wear. The naruto costume you can buy in amazon consit only of the orange top and the orange pants so you might need to buy some more costume accessories to accompany your naruto shippuden costume. The most important part is the naruto headgear or konoha leaf headband but if you want a more realist naruto costume outfit, then you would need to buy a naruto wig or if you are already blonde then skip this costume accesory. You would also need the naruto sandals and the knee bag naruto uses to hold his kunai. All of this naruto costume accesories are available to buy online. Amazon has an online costume stores from different costume makers.

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