The series’ main antagonist, Naraku is responsible for most of the characters’ misfortunes including Kikyo’s death. Naraku was born from the fusion of Onigumo, a crippled bandit tended by Kikyo, and a horde of weak demons. Driven by his lust for the priestess, Onigumo made a bargain with the demons: in exchange for eating his flesh, the demons would conbine into one entity to become part of his new body.
Suicun OSDH makes a handsome Naraku. I love the details on her kimono and the setting is perfect as well. Thanks to one of my readers (who didn’t leave their name) for emailing this! Tags: cosplay, cosplayer, holic, role, play, roleplay, costume, anime, manga, game, series, character, photographer, photo, inuyasha, naraku, responsible, misfortune, include, kikyo, death, born, fusion, onigumo, cripple, bandit, tend, horde, weak, demon, drive, lust, priestess, bargain, exchange, flesh, combine, one, entity, part, new, body, suicunosdh, handsome, love, detail, kimono, setting, perfect, well, reader, leave, name, contribution, suggestion, email, コスプレ, コスプレイ, 犬夜叉, 奈落