Faxion Preview: Are You An Angel or a Demon?


Free-to-play massively multiplayer online role playing games were in abundance at PAX East, but because of its setting in Limbo (the area between Heaven and Hell) Faxion from UTV True Games really stood out. We previewed the game, which seems to be a mix of a typical modern MMO and EVE Online "lite".

"Each zone in Faxion is designed around one of the seven deadly sins: Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Pride, and Greed. For example, the zone we played through, Avarice Canyons, was supposed to embody greed with its mines riddled with diamonds. Other zones like Gardens of Ardor represent the sin of Lust, featuring lush gardens with flowing streams and deep red flowers."

Are you going to be an angel or a demon? Check out our full Faxion preview and make your decision

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