Bartholomew Kuma character according wikipediaBartholomew Kuma (バーソロミュー・くま,
Bāsoromyū Kuma) is a Shichibukai. He is additionally a former Revolutionary whose bounty was

296,000,000. He was once feared as a pirate so vicious, he earned the title "Tyrant". He is a type of cyborg called a "Pacifista" (パシフィスタ,
Pashifisuta) developed by Dr. Vegapunk. Once Vegapunk finished his modifications on Kuma, the Shichibukai was converted into the first complete Pacifista cyborg with the serial
PX-0, figuratively dying in the process. He was a very influential character during the Whitebeard War Saga, setting the stage for Luffy's appearance in Amazon Lily, Impel Down, and Marineford.
Bartholomew Kuma cosplay costume final shoots by cosplay1.com
Bartholomew Kuma front

Bartholomew Kuma side shoot

Bartholomew Kuma back shoot